
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.
— Oscar Wilde

All designs, drawings, documents, and completed buildings produced by Wynand Wilsenach Architects are the intellectual property of the firm and are protected under South African copyright laws. The architectural design and aesthetic elements of completed buildings remain the intellectual property of Wynand Wilsenach Architects, even after construction is finished. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, replication of design elements, or use of the building’s architectural features for commercial purposes, without prior written consent from Wynand Wilsenach Architects, is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, photographic reproduction, virtual representations, or any derivative works that imitate or replicate design features. Legal action may be pursued for any infringement.

Copyright © 2025 Wynand Wilsenach Architects. All rights reserved.

Works Eligible for Copyright Protection in South Africa:

Artistic Works

Include paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings and photographs; works of architecture, being either buildings or models of buildings; or works of craftsmanship, not falling within either category given above. It also includes a transformation of the work in such a manner that the original or substantial features thereof remain recognizable

Copyright in architecture is often misunderstood even by the very same professionals operating in the building industry. Just as copyright applies to literature, music, and works of art, it also applies to architecture and the drawings associated with such. The specific building style and lay-out becomes a signature of the architect. Copying of the designs constitutes copyright infringement and still it occurs on a daily basis. Perhaps more difficult to spot than a blatant replica of a building or design, many buildings feature the same elements brought in by a specific architect without the project managers or designers having obtained the permission from the architect to use such in their designs.

Copyright in architecture pertaining to the design of the building includes any tangible expression of the design whether through the drawings, plans, and form or arrangement of the design elements. What are not included regarding copyright on architecture are the standard design elements which are required because of function. There are buildings which are excluded from the protection granted by copyright in architecture such as dams or bridges. One shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking just because there is no formal registration process required for copyright that no copyrights exist regarding architectural drawings or designs. The moment the original work takes a tangible form whether on paper or the building itself, copyright exists.